Project 1 · Task 3 · Year 2

Task 3 – Presentation

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I presented my project only to my tutor unlike the rest of my class, but due to this, I feel like I don’t have much feedback to work from. I think I presented everything well apart from my production plan as I hadn’t put down the dates that I would be working towards. The feedback I did get was quite helpful and I will try to use the suggested points. In this reflection I will be writing a little about each point and how I will take it into account.

The first thing that my tutor told me to do was to try and focus on how my photographers took their photographs and see if I could work from their idea, try to incorporate their ideas into my work. I think this is a very good idea for me to try as I am new to food photography but I do not want to copy their work or their style. I want my work to be different and unlike other photographers. If I did this, it could help me with my techniques and each it could teach me which is the best way for me to shoot my photos. It got mentioned that I could look into photos in magazines and different websites for their style and to see if I can take anything else from them as well as what I can take from my photographers.

After this point was made, I went on to say that I planned to use natural lighting since it would give my photos a good look. I did say that this could also cause some problems like too much light or not enough. My tutor suggested using tin foil or white card to bounce light back onto the food. I think I will do this if I need to as it will make the light evenly distributed and so it will make the food have light in the right places making it look better. It is a very good idea and is something I am going to try out. I think people will see the difference if I didn’t use something to bounce the light back, they would see that the light is different in different places and would suggest the same thing. One thing I would have to watch out for is knowing when to bounce the light back, if there is too much light then the image will look to bright and will look just as bad as if I had done nothing withe the light.

In conclusion, I think the things that were suggested were good suggestions and I will use them. I think they will improve my work to make it my one and to make them better images in the end. I do see the problems with each point but I think I can work around them to make my photos great. I think, even with little feedback I did get, that I reflected well.